God's Purpose & Glory

​​A just God and Savior is what distinguishes the only True God from idols. All false views of the Atonement and Justification fail in this area. They produce a god, an idol of the imagination who is neither just, nor a Savior. But the God of the Bible was glorified in the victorious and effectual Redemption accomplished by Christ. It is the work that established righteousness that is imputed to God's people for Justification.

By Blood

Justification must have a solid foundation of an Effectual Atonement. This means that both the intent and affect of the death of Christ was successful. All for whom Christ died will be saved. Not one for whom He died will see eternal condemnation. His death does not potentially save anyone or render people merely savable. Christ's death actually does the saving of the elect sinner.

Imputed Righteousness​

​The merit of the Person and work of Christ in His entire obedience is imputed (legally transferred) to the account of the elect sinner. This is the ground of Justification.
This righteousness is received by God-given faith and is the basis for the believer's assurance of salvation. Christ is called "The Lord Our Righteousness" and that is exactly what He becomes to His people when they are justified.

Through Faith Alone

God-given faith looks to Christ alone and the work He has done in establishing a perfect righteousness for the Justification of God's elect. God's people do not have faith in their faith and are not counting on their faith as condition for Justification. Their faith looks to the perfect object of faith, which is the the finished work of Christ, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Faith is only as good as its object. 
Christ-Centered Justification based on the truth of Imputation and the Effectual Atonement of Christ
Justification by Grace
How Can a Man Be Just With God?

​by Scott Price

The doctrine of Justification is the heart of  the gospel of grace. It is a message that MUST be true to qualify as the gospel message that God uses to be "the power of God unto salvation". If a preacher is wrong on this aspect of the gospel, then he preaches a false gospel. If a church does not hold to the Biblical doctrine of Justification, then they are a false church. There are plenty of each out there. As a matter of fact, Biblical fact, the vast majority are in that category.

How can a man be just with God? That is one of the most important questions that can be asked. The gospel of grace clearly gives the answer to that important question.  One cannot be said to understand and believe the gospel until they understand and believe that justification is because of the imputation of Christ's righteousness, a righteousness that was obtained for the elect and imputed (legally transferred or charged) to them as the sole ground of justification. This is the central message of the Gospel and is directly tied to the merit established by the effectual, satisfactory doing and dying of Christ for His sheep. May the Lord give you spiritual eyes to understand the difference between true and false Justification. Below are links to articles both on our site and others that will lead to other sites. Read with care. Check what you read with God's word.

For more information please email Scott Price at GospelDefense@gmail.com

The word of God reveals the gospel of
Justification by Grace. It is a message
God uses to save His people, "the power
 of God unto salvation" (Rom 1:16). It
involves the purpose of God to reveal
Himself as both a just God and Savior,
the Effectual and Particular Atonement
of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Imputation
of Christ' righteousness and the proper
place of God-given faith.